
...to cinematic opinions of Jack Kirby. Expect wit, wisdom and irregular updates.

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Saturday, 30 January 2010

My Week in Film Podcast #1

Hi! Welcome to my very first podcast! An exercise in self indulgence that allows you, the listener to enjoy my stilted and forced sounding 'radio voice' anywhere you like! Be it on the road, on the can or in the shower (please don't listen to your MP3 player in the shower). Just a few things I ought to mention, firstly, Ben has suggested you download the podcast if you can rather than listen to it on the site as this will cause bandwidth "issues" with the site, if not the internet and explode your computer. Into your face. So yeah. Watch it. Tom.

Simply right click here and "save link as".

Also, just a couple of things I forgot to mention:

  • Yes, I am aware how many times I said Role Models was funny

  • Professor X is played by Patrick Stewart

  • The action sequences in X2 are quite rubbish

  • Yes, I realise that X2 probably isn't supposed to be plausible

  • And on Monday evening, I had to give in some DVDs to the library, but the staff had left, it being a bank holiday, so I had to leave the DVDs in the collection bin, meaning they would be signed in on Tuesday, meaning I would get fined, which is unfair.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the 'show'. Given how complicated it has been for me and Ben to bring this to you, its unlikely that this podcasting lark will happen very often, but let us know if you actually want more and if you do, we'll try and think of something if we can.

Love to your mothers,

Jack x

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